Archive for October 2014

Interview: Soccer96 (for It's Psychedelic, Baby)

Soccer96 bring us futuristic soundscapes pierced by extremely groovy jazz-influenced drum beats.
The duo firstly bonded over a mutual love of John Bonham's drumming while in college, where they were part of a group of beatniks who would do experimental jazz jams with the lights out and improvised film soundtracks. This norm-challenging approach became intrinsic to their sound which is proven to induce mind-bending experiences.
Read through and enjoy these guys’ magnificent vibes.

Since this is a blog about psychedelic music let me start off by asking why do you believe your music might be appreciated by the psychedelic music lovers, although your music isn't truly psychedelic as far as music genre goes?

Dan: We are psychedelic in the true definition of it’s dictionary meaning…  "relating to or denoting drugs (especially LSD) that produce hallucinations and apparent expansion of consciousness”. 
This meaning is close to our hearts as we believe in using music as a tool to elevate our consciousness. This is why the music is psychedelic in its nature and foundation rather than direct musical comparison with psychedelic rock.  

We don't tend to adhere to a specific sense of genre boundary or particular music vocabulary in favour of experimentation so we rarely fit into a particular scene and that's something we're comfortable with. I think that instead we are creating our own sonic world with its own set of creative 'rules' and as long as we don't break these unspoken rules then our world stays tangible and visceral, the moment we break those rules the whole world would crumble down before us.

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